Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sorbet au citron vert (Lime sorbet)

Lime Sorbet Recipe | Refreshing Citrus Dessert

Lime Sorbet Recipe

Lime Sorbet
Here's another frozen dessert - lime sorbet. Check out the Granité au Calvados blog entry for more info about other frozen desserts.

This one has a bit of egg white so maybe it should be called sherbet since it contains some dairy! According to The Columbia Guide to Standard American English, the word sherbet appeared in English in the seventeenth century and it meant a cold, fruit drink. It had two pronunciations at the time: sherbet and sherbert. However, some purists argue that only sherbet is acceptable now.

But let’s not mess with language, and just taste it. It’s undeniably delicious by any name!

Recipe: Sorbet au citron vert (Lime sorbet)

1½ cups water
1½ cups sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
¾ cup lime juice, strained
1 egg white, lightly beaten
1 pineapple (about 1¾ pounds)
¼ cup white rum
Zest of 1 lime

You can find the recipe in from Le Cordon Bleu at Home (affiliate link).

Lime Sorbet
Tasting Notes
The Lime Sorbet was amazing. Sweet, citrus-y, tangy wrapped in a frozen mouthful. It was especially tasty with the rum-soaked pineapple (even though I forgot to photograph that part of it!).

. . . . . . . . . .

Running total: $246.25 + $6.44 = $252.69

Butter used so far: 4 pounds, 27.5 tablespoons


Mandy said...

my mouth is watering, looking at the lime sorbet. I love all citrus fruits and can just imagine how great this is when paired with the pineapple!

KP said...

Those look so cool and refreshing, just what I need after all this heavy feasting on Easter!

Denise ^ ChickyEGG said...

WOW ! NIce blog !I like the way how u demonstrate the ingredients and ur blog is just nice, very tidy & refreshing! haha

Jon! said...

That sorbet looks absolutely sublime. the presentation in the lime cups is immaculate. Looks so very refreshing. Happy easter and keep up the great work.


Deborah said...

I love how this is served in the limes! What a great idea - wonderful presentation!

Nic said...

Shari - your photos are beautiful! I am going to spend a couple of happy hours looking through your posts.